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Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling in Urdu Hindi Dubbed

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Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling is a Chinese Drama Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below Download button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: Chinese
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu

Plot Summary

Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling the drama centers around the character of Ling Yizhou, a successful CEO of a company called "Ling Group". Ling Yizhou is portrayed as a cold and unapproachable person who is highly dedicated to his work. However, things take a turn when he meets Gu Wei, a new employee in his company who is kind-hearted and hardworking.

Despite his initial reluctance, Ling Yizhou starts developing feelings for Gu Wei and the two eventually start dating. However, their relationship is not without challenges. Ling Yizhou's mother is opposed to the relationship and tries to break them up by creating misunderstandings between them. Additionally, Ling Yizhou's ex-girlfriend also tries to interfere and win him back.

As the story progresses, Ling Yizhou and Gu Wei face a number of obstacles, including business challenges, family problems, and personal insecurities. However, they manage to overcome these challenges with the help of their friends and colleagues...

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