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Flight To You [Chinese Drama] in Urdu Hindi Dubbed

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Flight To You is a Chinese Drama Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below Download button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: Chinese
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu

Plot Summary

Flight To You is a Chinese drama series that follows the journey of Cheng Xiao, a determined young woman with aspirations of becoming a pilot. Initially facing setbacks in her pursuit due to failing the pilot exam, Cheng Xiao begins her career as a flight attendant. However, her determination and perseverance lead her to eventually pass the pilot exam, earning her wings and joining the crew as a co-pilot.

Throughout the series, Cheng Xiao faces numerous challenges and obstacles, both personal and professional, as she navigates the aviation industry. With the guidance and support of her mentor, Captain Gu Nanting, Cheng Xiao learns valuable lessons about leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Together with her colleagues, they encounter various situations onboard flights, including handling unruly passengers, navigating through turbulent weather, and managing flight delays.

As Cheng Xiao progresses in her career, she undergoes significant growth, both as a pilot and as an individual. She proves her competence and earns the respect of her peers through her dedication and professionalism. Alongside her professional journey, Cheng Xiao also faces personal challenges, including conflicts with her family and romantic relationships...

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