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Summer Love in Urdu Hindi Dubbed

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Summer Love is a South Korean drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu

Plot Summary

Summer Love about the story of Yeon Woo, who return to Korea after twelve years in China. Reconnecting with childhood friends Soo Wan, Dong Tak, and Seung Jae, she enjoys a summer filled with memories, laughter, and surprises. Yeon Woo develops feelings for Seung Hwan, Dong Tak's older brother, amidst the familiar surroundings of their hometown and the warmth of the season.

Their relationship grows deeper despite challenges. Yeon Woo must confront her past romance, while Dong Tak harbors feelings for her. Through ups and downs, the group learns the true meaning of friendship and love, supporting each other through thick and thin.

Yeon Woo's confession to Seung Hwan marks a turning point, showing her readiness to embrace the future. With their friends' support, Yeon Woo and Seung Hwan find comfort in each other's company, prepared for what lies ahead.

As summer ends, they realize that love can conquer all obstacles and endure over time. With hope in their hearts, they understand that their summer romance has transformed into something lasting and meaningful...

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