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Who Are You: School 2015 in Urdu Hindi Dubbed

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Who Are You: School 2015 is a South Korean drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu

Plot Summary

Who Are You the drama tells about Lee Eun-bi, a high school student enduring relentless bullying. After an accident, she wakes up with amnesia and assumes the identity of her twin sister, Go Eun-byul, popular and outgoing. Eun-bi's decision leads her into complex relationships as she uncovers the truth behind her lost memories.

She forms bonds with classmates like Gong Tae-kwang, a rebellious troublemaker, and Han Yi-an, a talented swimmer and Eun-byul's childhood friend. As Eun-bi navigates her new identity, she confronts her tormentors and unravels family secrets while trying to reclaim her true self.

Eun-bi's journey intertwines themes of friendship, love, and redemption. She forms connections with Tae-kwang and Yi-an, drawn to her kindness and resilience. However, as Eun-bi's memories resurface, she faces choices testing her relationships and identity. Meanwhile, her classmates grapple with personal struggles, highlighting the complexities of teenage life.

As Eun-bi delves into her past, she uncovers shocking revelations about her family and the events leading to her accident. Family secrets and betrayals come to light, forcing her to confront painful truths. With her friends' help, Eun-bi must find the courage to confront her past and embrace her true self...

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